MPC Research Reports Filter by Keyword23 report(s) found with forecasting in the keywords field Extreme wind conditions can be a formidable foe to both highway and driver safety. Strong gusts increase the likelihood of wind-induced vehicle crashes, especially for high-sided vehicles (i.e., semi-trucks) in the United States. Current understanding of wind loads on high-sided vehicles comes mostly... Construction projects require long hours where workers are subjected to intensive tasks such as hard manual labor, heavy lifting, and constrained working postures. Among the physiological metrics, heart rate (HR) is reported to be a good indicator of physical stress and workload. HR forecasting models... The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) needs to respond quickly and adapt to the coronavirus (COVID-19) to ensure continuation of critical infrastructure support and relief for the American people. Since early March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impact on traffic across the United... Precipitation-induced landslides pose risks to humans through property damage, disruption of infrastructure, injury, and loss of life. These risks may be altered by climate change, as changes in vegetation cover and associated root cohesion might lead to a change in areas susceptible to landslides. We... As a result of the considerable differences in mass between vehicles and trains, crashes at highway-rail grade crossings (HRGCs) often result in severe injuries and fatalities. Therefore, HRGC safety is considered a crucial transportation safety issue. Transportation decision makers and agencies need... Three bridge sites in South Dakota with streamflow records ranging from 50 to 67 years were selected to compute the histories of pier or contraction scour using the Scour Rates In COhesive Soils (SRICOS) method. Scour depths were computed using a range of soil erosion functions representative of cohesive... Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) have the potential to offer benefits and flexibility in travel, which can lead to significant reductions in the generalized travel cost and possibly, more demand. The combination of the AV technology with Mobility as a Service (MaaS) creates a new disruptive transportation mode... Traffic volume data are crucial in many applications, including transportation operation analysis, congestion management, and accident prevention. Yet an extensive capture of accurate volume information on a large-scale network can be difficult and costly. This research focuses on hourly traffic volume... In Wyoming, most county paved roads were built decades ago without following minimum design standards. However, the recent increase in industrial/mineral activities in the state requires developing an efficient pavement management system (PMS) for local paved roads. The new PMS which is currently being... This research seeks to investigate crash severity predicting models and contributing factor explorations through the application of data mining models. There are 21 variables found to be associated with commercial truck injury severities. The importance analysis indicates the variable relative important...