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11 report(s) found with concrete pavements in the keywords field
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Maintaining sufficient charge during the duration of travel along with the time required to recharge the vehicle are major concerns for electric vehicle (EV) owners. This project focuses on in-motion, inductive power transfer (IPT) embedded in roadways to ensure charge duration and replace stationary...

Inductive power transfer systems (IPTS) embedded in concrete pavement panels allow EVs to charge their batteries while in motion. Four prototype concrete slabs were constructed and monitored during high-cycle fatigue loading. After the fatigue tests, each slab was subjected to a static load until failure....

The purpose of this research project was to investigate and determine the reasons for premature deterioration of the geogrid-reinforced pavement system on the section of SR-10 between Muddy Creek and Emery, Utah. The statistical analyses and evaluations indicate that the structural design of the primary...

An evaluation of CRCP was conducted in order to determine the extent of possible corrosion of CRCP on selected interstates in South Dakota. General observations showed there were sections of severe and localized reinforcement corrosion at some crack locations. Crack mapping, chloride tests profiles...

Longitudinal joints in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement slabs require tie (dowel) bars to control joint opening resulting from thermal stresses. Inspections of PCC pavements by the South Dakota Department of Transportation using ground penetrating radar revealed that it is common for tie bars...

To facilitate the implementation of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide in Wyoming, this research investigated the relationships between subgrade resilient modulus (Mr) and the dynamic cone penetration and the standard penetration test results, selected three best subgrade Mr predictive models...

An experimental research study was conducted to develop optimized concrete mixtures for jointed plain concrete (JPC) pavements and field evaluation of newly constructed JPC pavement sections along South Dakota highways. Using South Dakota aggregates, different concrete mixtures were assessed for optimum...

This study aims to investigate the age-dependent changes in flexural and fracture properties of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) used in the design of thin overlay pavements. Four different types of steel or polypropylene macro-fibers with different dimensions and different fiber volume contents (0%...

State Highway Agencies (SHAs) in the United States use smoothness specifications to insure that they are providing the public with quality roads. Monetary incentives / disincentive policies based on the initial roughness values are used by SHAs to encourage contractors to build smoother roads. To justify...

State highway agencies throughout the United States use smoothness specifications to ensure they are providing the public with quality roads. Some state highway agencies even provide monetary incentives to contractors for building smoother roads. The effectiveness of such incentive policies, though...

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