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16 report(s) found for Kshitij Sharma
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This report is the response to the North Dakota Legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure needs of all counties, townships and tribes in the state. In 2019, the North Dakota Legislature advanced HB 1066 which had a provision for funding distributions to non-oil producing...

Winter storms significantly increase crash risk and disrupt travel, especially under extreme conditions. Gusty winds, heavy moisture, and low temperatures can quickly make travel dangerous in the Northern Plains. This study was aimed at understanding winter truck crashes, given the prominence of commercial...

A community is considered walkable if it is easy and safe for pedestrians to walk for recreation and exercise and to destinations such as schools, stores, parks, and post offices. A walkable community encourages the safe use of existing infrastructure while expanding transportation options for users...

Reliable intersection-traffic data are essential for transportation planning, operations, and safety. The City of Bismarck relies on targeted short counts, which is the predominant, albeit outdated, type of intersection traffic data collection. The city recently updated its signalized intersection equipment...

A community is considered walkable if it is easy as well as safe for pedestrians to walk for recreation, exercise, and to school, stores, parks, the post office, etc. Additionally, a walkable community encourages safe use of existing infrastructure while expanding transportation options for users with...

The Office of Highway Policy Information of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) publishes statistical data about motor vehicle registrations reported by the 50 states and District of Columbia. According to its 2020 publication, the 97.94% of vehicles in the State of North Dakota are registered as either...

This study explores the nature and extent of problems related to pedestrian user experience at Minnesota roundabouts. Pedestrian user experience in this study is measured by way of studying driver-yielding rates toward pedestrians at Minnesota roundabout crossings, pedestrian infrastructure design, and...

The Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI) has built a web-based traffic data analysis tool. This Traffic Analysis Tool uses existing traffic signal control devices to collect data 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year. The primary purpose of this project was to develop...

Recent reconstruction of the Grand Forks transportation network included upgrades of some of the older models of cameras. The MPO intended to: 1) continue utilizing the reconstructed intersections for traffic data collection; 2) utilize available API commands to download traffic data; and 3) minimize...

NDDOT requested the Advanced Traffic Analysis Center (ATAC) to conduct before-and-after spot speed studies at three locations along US 85/ND 200. One study was conducted at each of the locations with both northbound/westbound and southbound/eastbound directions of travel observed. Two years later, another...

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