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15 report(s) found with regression analysis in the keywords field
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Motorcycle riders and passengers are much more likely to be killed or severely injured in a crash, and on average, about 15% of all traffic fatalities include motorcyclists. The study uses 12 years of motorcycle crash data (2008–2019) from Wyoming, and eight years of data from Utah (2014–2021) and...

Bicycle and scooter use entails significant safety and health risks. News stories have described the reckless behavior of users across the United States with the emergence of micromobility options. This paper investigates risky behaviors associated with U.S. bicycle and scooter riding adults. Two separate...

Achieving and maintaining public transportation rolling stocks in a state of good repair is very crucial to providing safe and reliable services to riders. Transit agencies that seek federal grants must also keep their transit assets in a state of good repair. Therefore, transit agencies in small urban...

This study developed a number of models to estimate the relationships between land use, transit ridership, household expenditures, and municipal spending, with a focus on small urban areas. First, a regression model was developed that estimated transit ridership in small urban areas as a function of...

Federal and state transportation agencies set goals related to surface transportation system performance. The variability in factors influencing design criteria (e.g., driver performance, road conditions, and vehicle performance) is often large and is addressed implicitly by using "conservative" values....

Despite bicycling being considered on the order of ten times more dangerous than driving, the evidence continues to build that high-bicycling-mode-share cities are not only safer for bicyclists but for all road users. This paper looks to understand what makes these cities safer. Are the safety differences...

This study investigates the effectiveness of the Great Rides Bike Share program that was launched in 2015 in the small urban area of Fargo, North Dakota. Eleven bike share stations were installed in Fargo with 101 bikes. Stations were primarily concentrated on the North Dakota State University (NDSU)...

A study was conducted to investigate why people talk on a cell phone while driving and why they also support legislation to restrict this practice. Participants completed a survey about their driving attitudes, abilities, and behaviors, and performed the OSPAN task. They reported using cell phones for...

Providing acute medical care outside of the hospital, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is crucial in rural environments where hospitals are not close by and are difficult to access. This study used the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS) South Dakota data to exemplify the establishment of data-driven...

Improving roadway safety on Indian reservations requires a comprehensive approach. Limited resources, lack of crash data, and few cross-jurisdictions coordination has made it difficult for Native American communities to address their roadway safety concerns. A methodology to improve roadway safety has...

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