Research Reports Filter by Keyword6 report(s) found with plastics in the keywords field 1 - 6 of 6 Fibers are used in an asphalt mix to improve its durability and resistance against distresses, such as rutting and cracking. Consequently, accurate rheological and performance characterization of asphalt binders and mixes containing fibers is of vital importance. With increased concerns over the environmental... Inductive power transfer systems (IPTS) embedded in concrete pavement panels allow EVs to charge their batteries while in motion. Four prototype concrete slabs were constructed and monitored during high-cycle fatigue loading. After the fatigue tests, each slab was subjected to a static load until failure.... This research study examined the effectiveness of the fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) spikes in repairing naturally damaged and deteriorated railroad bridge chords. Past research has shown that this process can be quite effective in improving the effective stiffness of railroad chord members that were... Investigations into the effects of the addition of vertically-oriented shear spikes with fiberglass reinforced polymer rods have shown that the shear spikes increased the effective stiffness of the stringers of a full-scale timber bridge chord specimen. This was previously found to be true on dimension... Investigations into the effects Z-spiking with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) rods have on the flexural stiffness and repair of deteriorated railroad crossties were conducted. These tests were conducted to provide a pilot study for an ultimate goal of repairing full-scale bridges. This report presents... A variety of portable safety and security barriers for directing traffic (public events, sports facilities, etc.), and securing private and public locations against access (court houses, schools, etc.) have been developed. Some higher capacity systems have been developed for use on and around high speed...