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16 report(s) found with fatalities in the keywords field
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Child pedestrians are some of the most vulnerable users of our transportation systems, and they deserve particular attention when we consider traffic safety. Part 1 of this report identifies locations in urban areas where child pedestrians are at particular risk for fatal collisions with vehicles. We...

This research seeks to investigate crash severity predicting models and contributing factor explorations through the application of data mining models. There are 21 variables found to be associated with commercial truck injury severities. The importance analysis indicates the variable relative important...

Despite bicycling being considered on the order of ten times more dangerous than driving, the evidence continues to build that high-bicycling-mode-share cities are not only safer for bicyclists but for all road users. This paper looks to understand what makes these cities safer. Are the safety differences...

This study investigates geostatistical approaches using ordinary Kriging and clustering analysis for traffic crash data in order to identify the traffic accident hot spots in North Dakota counties. The research analyzes 37 years (1975–2011) of fatality crash data available from a U.S. National Highway...

Rumble strips and rumble stripes are a recommended strategy for crash reduction. The North Dakota Department of Transportation initiated rumble strip use in the 1970s and greatly expanded application of rumble stripes through a statewide initiative in recent years. This study of four intervention and...

With the understanding that seat belts are a relatively low-cost safety device, and are an easy primary protection for occupants in passenger vehicles, North Dakota has chosen to continue to measure seat belt use on non-interstate rural roads. In 2001, 88% of fatal crashes occurred on rural roads. During...

With the understanding that seat belts are a relatively low-cost safety device, and are an easy primary protection for occupants in passenger vehicles, North Dakota has chosen to continue to measure rural roads seat belt use. The U.S. Department of Transportation works with states to measure seat belt...

This report seeks to update and expand upon a 2007 (Vachal and McGowan) report by determining changes in traffic safety policy that may have occurred in each of the Northern Rocky Mountain Region (NRMR) states (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming) between 2006 and 2010. The report will ascertain...

In an attempt to predict these crashes, North Dakota driver licensing data and crash data were used to develop a sample of 20,392 teen drivers age 14 to 17. Within the first year after being licensed, these drivers sustained 317 crashes that resulted in an injury or death. The resulting logistic regression...

With the understanding that seat belts are a relatively low-cost safety device, and are an easy primary protection for occupants in passenger vehicles, North Dakota has chosen to continue work to measure rural roads seat belt use. The U.S. Department of Transportation works with states to measure seat...

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