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18 report(s) found with students in the keywords field
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A survey was conducted of students attending Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM), Minnesota. The survey sought to determine the transit needs of the students. Results are divided among the following topics: Mobility of MSUM Students; Movement Demands of Campus Students; Student Perceptions of...


A survey was conducted of students attending North Dakota State University (NDSU). The survey sought to determine the transit needs of the students. Results are divided among the following topics: Mobility of NDSU Students; Movement Demands of Campus Students; Student Perceptions of MAT Services; Student...


The 2005 campus transit survey received responses from 1,380 students enrolled at North Dakota State University, Minnesota State University-Moorhead, and Concordia College. The data provides insight into campus transportation use and other transit related issues. Survey topics included the mobility demands...


North Dakota State University has experienced tremendous growth over the past couple of years. This growth has resulted in some overcrowding, particularly in parking lots. We have sought out ways to better serve the campus by incorporating more public transportation. Yet public transportation may not...


A survey was conducted of students attending Concordia College, in Moorhead, Minnesota. The survey sought to determine the transit needs of the students. Results are divided among the following topics: Mobility of Concordia Students; Movement Demands of Campus Students; Student Perceptions of MAT Services...


A survey was conducted of students attending Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM). The survey sought to determine the transit needs of the students. Results are divided among the following topics: Mobility of MSUM Students; Movement Demands of Campus Students; Student Perceptions of MAT Service...


A survey was conducted of students attending North Dakota State University (NDSU). The survey sought to determine the transit needs of the students. Results are divided among the following topics: Mobility of NDSU Students; Movement Demands of Campus Students; Student Perceptions of MAT Services; Student...


A study was conducted to determine the potential acceptance and usage of a taxi service with a $2 fare serving Concordia College. The two primary objectives of this study were: (1) to determine the travel patterns of Concordia students living on and off campus; and (2) to establish potential taxi usage...

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