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SURCOM's educational goals:

  1. Work to develop a university graduate course in public transportation
  2. Work with other faculty members to incorporate public transit into their curriculum

Graduate Course / Continuation Credits

Public Transportation (TL 786)
This public transportation course will include concepts and models used in the transit industry, for both rural and urban settings. Policy issues, government's role in transit, transit planning, demand forecasting, performance evaluation, and system costing will be discussed. Students will have the opportunity to work on projects directly related to a transit system.

Public Transportation II (TL 787)
This course focuses on concepts and modeling procedures used when planning and operating public transportation systems. Topics covered include transit demand analysis, quality of service concepts and estimation, bus and rail capacity, and service planning.

Academic Conduct, Leadership, and Ethics in Transportation (TL 789)
This course focuses on leadership, ethics, and academic conduct in students' educational program, but then goes on to explore theories, concepts, and practices of leadership and ethics that students may apply to their career. Students will be exposed to irrefutable laws of leadership as well as principles for being a person of influence. They will learn theories of ethics and business ethics today focusing on transportation. They will learn how to identify ethical dilemmas and tools to assist in decision making. One outcome of the course is for students to develop and write their own personal code of conduct to apply in school and in their careers.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050