Research Reports Filter by Keyword7 report(s) found with girder bridges in the keywords field 1 - 7 of 7 This project discusses the performance of deteriorating double-tee (DT) girder bridges that have been in service for many years. This included field testing of two single-span DT girder bridges in South Dakota for live load distribution factors (LLDFs) and dynamic load allowance (IM). The LLDFs and IM... This report presents a research program studying the grooved bonding schemes of composite sheets (carbon fiber reinforced polymer, CFRP) for rehabilitating concrete members. The first phase of the research presents the efficacy of functional periodicity on controlling the occurrence of interfacial failure... Precast prestressed double-tee girders are common on county bridges in South Dakota because of the ease of construction, short construction time, and low cost. However, the longitudinal joints of these bridges are rapidly deteriorating, imposing girder replacement after only 45 years of service. Currently... The most common type of bridge on South Dakota local roads is a precast prestressed double-tee (DT) girder bridge. More than 700 DT bridges are currently in-service in South Dakota. Structural detailing, aging, traffic volume, and environmental conditions affect structural performance, integrity, and... Steel bridges with reinforced concrete substructures and steel superstructures are considered to have superior performance under earthquakes when compared with their reinforced concrete counterpart. Such performance reputation stems from the fact that few steel bridges have been subjected to strong ground... For this research, sensors were used to investigate the differences in prestress losses and temperature gradients in a concrete deck bulb tee girder bridge. The Millville Bridge was built as an access point to the Ridgeline High School in Millville, Utah. The bridge was built in 2016 and presently supports... The ultimate objective of this project was to develop widely accepted recommendations on self-consolidating concrete (SCC) mixture design for its use in WisDOT bridge projects. This project investigated the effects of material constituents on the material properties of trial SCC mixtures made from precasters...