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62 report(s) found with evaluation in the keywords field
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Logistics strategies and practices are essential elements for improving a company's competitiveness in domestic or global markets. Firms expanding into domestic and global markets from the Midwestern and Plains states need to employ efficient strategic logistics practices to compete. Identifying the...

Video detection systems have replaced the industry's standard inductive loops because they are easy to install, have flexible applications and their maintenance is cost-effective. These systems involve positioning cameras above traffic to capture images of passing vehicle. These images are analyzed by...

This is a report on the study that Small Urban & Rural Transit Center conducted for North Dakota Department of Transportation. The study identified and evaluated the current coordination efforts including an inventory of transportation options in North Dakota and made recommendations on how the state...

Congestion in Salt Lake City is showing an increasing trend and, as congestion reaches higher levels, benefits of the HOV lanes will also increase. It needs to be determined whether the Salt Lake Valley HOV lanes are performing effectively in terms of travel time benefits, safety and the ability to carry...

The current survey determines areas of improvement and those needing further attention as well as highlighting any new areas of importance. Results from the current survey suggested that employees had less positive opinions about organizational issues in general than they reported in the last survey....

The Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI) developed a survey to identify the transportation needs and measure how well the needs of the disadvantaged population are being met. The UGPTI worked with four Centers for Independent Living that serve the state of North Dakota. Each of the centers...

In this study, the researchers evaluated the effectiveness of quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) specifications in decreasing hot mix asphalt (HMA) variability. A questionnaire was written to gather general information about the QC/QA specification programs that are being used in the United States...

A three-span, open deck timber trestle railroad bridge had been previously field load tested. The prior testing program was done in cooperation with the Transportation Technology Center, Inc., a subsidiary of the Association of American Railroads. The bridge was subjected to static and moving train loads...

The study examined organizational issues that affected employee motivation and retention. To obtain information about these issues that could be qualitatively analyzed and compared from state to state, face-to-face interviews were conducted with two or three individuals at the Minnesota, Iowa, North...

This research investigates moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixes; evaluates the effect of various numbers of freeze-thaw cycles on the mechanical properties of asphalt and determines if the Georgia Loaded Wheel Tester can be used to test for moisture induced damage.

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