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57 report(s) found with concrete in the keywords field
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Research at Colorado State University in wood-concrete layered composites for structural applications has been in progress for more than a decade. Key features of the research are experimental and analytical work to analyze notched shear key interlayer connections. These connections are being used to...

State Highway Agencies (SHAs) in the United States use smoothness specifications to insure that they are providing the public with quality roads. Monetary incentives / disincentive policies based on the initial roughness values are used by SHAs to encourage contractors to build smoother roads. To justify...

The concept of combining wood and concrete in layered composite bridge deck was investigated. A shear key/anchor detail recently used in Europe to construct floors in office buildings was adapted for this study. This connection detail provides the interlayer shear transfer between the layers. Laboratory...

The feasibility of using the Georgia Loaded-Wheel Tester (GLWT) to predict rutting in the laboratory was investigated in this research. This research was performed in two phases. The first phase consisted of modifying the GLWT to handle 15.2 cm (6 in) cores, developing a laboratory compaction procedure...

State highway agencies throughout the United States use smoothness specifications to ensure they are providing the public with quality roads. Some state highway agencies even provide monetary incentives to contractors for building smoother roads. The effectiveness of such incentive policies, though...

This report describes a study jointly conducted by the University of Wyoming and the Wyoming Department of Transportation to examine the effect of construction Profilograph Index (PI) values on long-term roughness measurements of concrete pavements. The objectives of this study were to determine if increased...

This report presents a brief historical overview of the development of expansive (shrinkage compensating) concrete. Three Utah Department of Transportation projects using expansive concrete are discussed as to the performance of the expansive concrete. On-site inspections were performed on three projects...

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