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169 report(s) found for Kimberly Vachal
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Railroads are an important transport provider in the U.S. grain market. The purpose of this research is to gain insight into shipper rail grain marketing practices and decisions. A survey of rail grain facilities is used to collect primary information about facility characteristics, marketing practices...

The objective of this report is to provide a benchmark for elevator managers in assessing performance, and supply a source for recognizing trends in the characteristics of North Dakota elevators.

The study focuses on ascertaining information on user willingness-to-pay and their perceptions of funding for improving gravel roads which support freight transportation service in rural areas. The research considers safety, road type, and maintenance valuation for both gravel and paved road surfaces....

This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grains and oilseeds from North Dakota.

Although transportation plays a role in economic development, it often is assumed to be an inert factor because of data voids or under assumptions. This research offers estimates of the relative quality of freight and business transport service resources available to non-metropolitan cities across the...

The objective of this report is to provide a benchmark for elevator managers in assessing performance, and supply a source for recognizing trends in the characteristics of North Dakota elevators.

This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grains and oilseeds from North Dakota.

This report identifies several factors critical to the success of short line rail roads. Success was measured and analyzed by looking at variables related to traffic volume, backhaul traffic, reliance on industries and/or commodities, number of shippers, flexibility of labor, track conditions, management...

Containerization has evolved from an industry serving niche markets to an industry creating niche market opportunities. While grain and oilseed industry is dominated by bulky, homogenized product marketing that is heavily reliant on economies of scale in delivering competitively priced commodities, technological...

This research focuses on the long-standing relationship between the rail industry and production agriculture. It will investigate the differential effects of policy change, considering factors that have influenced pricing service for corn, wheat and soybeans in a deregulated rail industry.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050