Research Reports Filter by Author7 report(s) found for Thad E. Senti 1 - 7 of 7 The objective of this research is to develop a computer-based delivery system for one of Utah DOT's existing, traditional classroom training activities. The Flagging Recertification Training and Exam was selected by the UDOT Technical Advisory Committee. The research was divided into two phases: (1)... A variety of computer tools are being used by UDOT to serve diverse maintenance management needs. Many of the tools are individually tailored for a specific purpose and lack the functionality to share data with other applications. This has resulted in the establishment of numerous databases which are... The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) recently investigated the cost and effectiveness of entry-level video conferencing systems (see MPC Report No. 96-67). The systems were required to run on a Pentium 60 MHz computer with 8 mb of RAM which was connected to the Internet. The Computer Based Intelligent... Personnel of the Utah Department of Transportation often find it necessary to work together on tasks from remote locations. Since this process adds costs to and reduces the efficiency of task completion, this research project investigated the practicality of desktop conferencing as a low-end telecommunications... Manuals of instruction are important engineering tools because they provide the necessary information to perform important design procedures and calculations correctly and accurately. The objective of this project was to develop a computer-based manual of instruction by implementing tools and techniques... This manual briefly describes the features of the prototype knowledge-base decision support system developed specifically for the Utah State Police Academy and termed POSAT (Police Officer Standards and Training). It explains how to install the program on your computer system, and how to start and quit... The objective of this study was to enhance the value of data received by maintenance foremen for making decisions regarding winter highway maintenance. A microcomputer-based Decision Support System (DSS) was developed to facilitate the acquisition and interpretation of information from weather advisory...