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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Peer-to-Peer Desktop Video Conferencing Final Report, Phase I
Authors:Thad Senti, William Grenney, and Newell Crookston
University:Utah State University
Publication Date:Oct 1996
Report #:MPC-96-67
Project #:MPC-123
TRID #:00728820
Keywords:conferences, electronic equipment, personal computers, remote control, software, telecommunications, transmissions
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


Personnel of the Utah Department of Transportation often find it necessary to work together on tasks from remote locations. Since this process adds costs to and reduces the efficiency of task completion, this research project investigated the practicality of desktop conferencing as a low-end telecommunications alternative to the Utah Educational Network and traditional travel to and from meeting sights. To provide a low-end alternative, desktop conferencing technology uses personal computers, relatively inexpensive software, and either ISDN or Internet transmission lines.

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