Event Proceedings 2022 NDACE Annual ConferenceJan 27-28, 2022 – The 2-Day Conference provides training for the County road superintendents, county engineers and consulting engineers. NDLTAP Road Scholar awards are presented at the Conference Awards banquet. PresentationsTitle | Presenter |
NACE Update (PDF, 1882K) | Kevan Stone, NACE | ND County Road & Bridge Handbook (PDF, 2234K) | Kelly Bengtson, UGPTI | LoadPass (PDF, 3551K) | Joelle VanderLinden and Brent Bogar, LoadPass | Bridges & Funding (PDF, 724K) | Bryon Fuchs, NDDOT | Recruiting & Retention Resources (PDF, 1883K) | Patrick Bertagnolli, SHRM-SCP | Tribal Presentation (PDF, 4148K) | Scott Satermo, Three Affiliated Tribes | High Friction Surface Treatment (PDF, 31149K) | Jana Hennessy, Mountrail County; Matt Johnson, UGPTI | Cooperative Purchasing Contracts-OMB (PDF, 2672K) | Sherry Neas, OMB | Oil & Gas Division Updates (PDF, 9878K) | Lynn Helms, Department of Mineral Resources | CDL Training (PDF, 460K) | Paul Haugland, FMCSA | 3 Things to Improve Safety (PDF, 1394K) | Patrick Engelhardt, NDACO | NDDOT Director Highlights (PDF, 3880K) | Bill Panos, NDDOT | RAP Chip Seal Treatment (PDF, 10850K) | Tyler Wollmuth, NDDOT | OTTA Seal Treatment (PDF, 31126K) | Josh Loegring, LaMoure County | Specifications & Plan Notes (PDF, 640K) | Bryon Fuchs, NDDOT | Gravel Preservation (PDF, 4672K) | Dale Heglund, NDLTAP | From the Industry (PDF, 1063K) | Robe Rebel, Knife River | Surface Gravel Study Project Update (PDF, 1773K) | Greg Vavra, SDLTAP | Gravel Source Pit Plan (PDF, 799K) | John Sauber, Sauber Engineering | Sampling & Testing Tips (PDF, 765K) | Mike Njos, Highland Engineering | Gravel Basics (PDF, 1737K) | Steve Monlux, LVR Consultants LLC |