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150 report(s) found with safety in the keywords field
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This study explores the nature and extent of problems related to pedestrian user experience at Minnesota roundabouts. Pedestrian user experience in this study is measured by way of studying driver-yielding rates toward pedestrians at Minnesota roundabout crossings, pedestrian infrastructure design, and...


For decades, work zone traffic safety under adverse weather conditions has been a serious concern for drivers and transportation agencies. Natural hazards often cause disruptions on roads and bridges and work zones during the retrofitting process. Existing studies on work zone traffic safety with statistical...


The 24/7 Sobriety Program is an intervention strategy mandating that alcohol-impaired driving offenders remain sober as a condition of bond or pre-trial release. The goal is to monitor the most at-risk offenders in North Dakota and require that these individuals remain sober in order to keep roadways...


The statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the Safety Division and others to use in understanding perceptions and self-reported behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities, including seat belts, impaired driving...


Transportation access management is defined as systematic control of the design, spacing, operation, and locations of street connections, interchanges, driveways, and median openings on the roadway with the purpose of providing vehicle access while preserving the efficiency and safety of the entire transportation...


This project aims to using eye-tracking technology to optimize work zone safety. First, a systematic literature review was conducted to present the background of its application in construction safety. In total, 81 publications were screened from Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, and American Society of...


This study evaluates two versions of the new super diverging diamond interchange (Super DDI) design as a possible alternative to improve the performance of failing service interchanges in the Denver, Colorado, metro. Three interchanges, Interstate 225 and Mississippi Ave, Interstate 25 and 120th Ave...


Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) provides grant funding to states wishing to deploy projects which fit within the scope of the Innovative Technology Deployment (ITD) program. FMCSA recognizes two levels of ITD deployment. Core ITD requires states to implement a basic set of capabilities...


Railroad accidents can cause economic harm that extends far beyond their own financial losses. As one of the most efficient modes of long-distance freight transportation, losses in line capacity and cargo due to accidents can disrupt the supply chain and lead to commodity shortages everywhere. Therefore...


This research seeks to develop an infrastructure safety support system by embedding V2I enabled sensor networks into the transportation infrastructure to provide autonomous vehicles and human drivers with inputs to improve their decision making when obvious decisions may not possible. A new car-following...

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