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60 report(s) found with trucking in the keywords field
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The theory of dominant firm price leadership is used to explain price and output behavior and equilibrium in rail and truck grain transportation. A very important factor explaining intermodal competition is the slope of the supply function of the competitive fringe, the truck mode. An econometric model...

The development and use of transportation databases is an essential prerequisite to transportation and marketing analysis. In few other disciplines are the databases so scattered and uncoordinated as in the field of transportation. Yet, there are few disciplines which are so data-dependent, particularly...

The general purpose of this paper was to evaluate the performance and operating characteristics of the motor carrier industry serving North Dakota. Specific objectives are: 1) to evaluate the existing grain motor carrier industry in North Dakota as to operating characteristics and stability; 2) to evaluate...

The general purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance and operating characteristics of the motor carrier industry moving North Dakota grain. Specific objectives were to: (1) identify the structure and operating characteristics of the exempt motor carrier industry; (2) identify costs of operation...

This study was undertaken as a pilot study of motor carrier services provided to eight communities located in North Dakota with populations of 5,000 people or less. The intentions of the study are to provide insight into the level and adequacy of motor carrier service, traffic characteristics of the...

There are at least two basic reasons for the tremendous growth in trucking of exempt commodities in the past six years: a protracted rail transportation capacity shortage, and grain handling capacity shortage which lasted from October of 1977 through January of 1980, and rail pricing policy which made...

This paper is a compilation of papers which represents five aspects of North Dakota trucking.

Current problems which exist in North Dakota grain transportation are varied and many, with freight rates being a chief issue. Problems concerning freight rates include, but are not limited to, the absolute level of the rate relative the cost of providing the service, monopoly rates on such traffic as...

Unless the North Dakota grower is able to remain competitive in all phases of potato production, including cost and availability of transportation, North Dakota producers could easily lose their traditional markets to other production areas.

The general objective of this study is to determine the costs of moving grain from farm to local market by farm truck and what factors influence these costs. The specific objectives are: 1) to determine the average cost of moving grain from farm to local market by farm truck and 2) To evaluate the influence...

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