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4 report(s) found with production in the keywords field
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North Dakota Potato Industry (Oct 2001, MPC-01-123)

The study provides information to aid transportation decision makers in planning and programming for future commodity transportation needs. The study describes recent trends in potato production and processing within the state; examines the logistics of potato transportation, storage, and processing...

World Durum Trade Model (Sep 1994, MPC-94-35)

The objective of this study was to assess the competitiveness of U.S. durum producers in supplying durum by estimating production levels and trade flows under alternative trade scenarios. Mathematical programming was used to compare production levels and distribution patterns for the durum market under...

The purpose of this analysis was to attempt to isolate the effects of unit train output on railroad costs.

The objectives of this report are: 1) to describe the grain production and marketing characteristics of the southeast-central portion of North Dakota, with particular attention paid to Dickey and Sargent counties; 2) to estimate the volume of grain which may be available to area merchandisers through...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050