Research Reports Filter by Keyword7 report(s) found with industries in the keywords field 1 - 7 of 7 Trucking Churn Industry (Mar 2008, MPC-08-193) The trucking industry is dynamic, and has been growing along with the economy. Many companies have come and gone, but many have been in business for many years. An increasing number of motor carriers can indicate a healthy industry and economy. While an increasing total number of motor carriers may indicate... Logistics strategies and practices are essential elements for improving a company's competitiveness in domestic or global markets. Firms expanding into domestic and global markets from the Midwestern and Plains states need to employ efficient strategic logistics practices to compete. Identifying the... The study provides information to aid transportation decision makers in planning and programming for future commodity transportation needs. The study describes recent trends in potato production and processing within the state; examines the logistics of potato transportation, storage, and processing... This report presents the results from expert interviews with Minneapolis-St. Paul companies and North Dakota manufacturing companies. The Minneapolis expert interviews helped to identify the minimal logistical capabilities a supplier must have in order to do business with the Minneapolis companies. Ten... The project objective was to assess and determine whether the logistical practices of small and rural suppliers will allow them the opportunity to successfully participate in an integrated supply chain. The project consists of two steps. First, we identified minimal logistical capabilities a supplier... The purpose of this analysis was to assess the implications of alternative ProGold plant sites for North Dakota producers. This analysis was conducted at the request of the North Dakota Governor's Task Force. Economic development efforts are addressed as "family of services" to prospective businesses. There is some uncertainty if transportation/logistics should be considered as a factor within the family of services. The overall goal of this study was to develop a better understanding of the relationship...