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28 report(s) found with development in the keywords field
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Despite the retirement of transit managers in small urban and rural communities, succession planning to prepare local transit agencies is lacking. Applied research must be developed to provide a smooth transition for the public transportation industry as it moves forward. Current specific workforce shortages...

Millions of cubic yards of concrete and steel used to support the U.S infrastructure may result in a significant negative impact on the environment. CO2 released by construction processes, as well as material production, is taking a substantial toll on the environment. This study seeks to develop a system...

This research attempts to answer the following fundamental questions: What factors does a transit agency use to choose among alternative TOD locations in a transit network, and what is the relative importance of each factor? It aims to develop a decision support framework that can be used by different...

As America's transportation workforce continues to age, there is an increased need to invest in workforce development to combat the impending retirement tsunami. This is especially true within the small urban and rural transit industry. A national survey of rural transit managers was conducted to determine...

Livability is a fairly new concept well understood in urban areas, but less so in rural areas and Indian reservations. A methodology was developed to identify the important livability issues for Tribal communities and consists of data collection, analysis, and development of the program. The methodology...

Two interlaboratory studies were performed utilizing recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in accordance with ASTM C1260 Accelerated Mortar Bar Test (AMBT) in addition to the previous study documented in Adams et al. 2013. The first round of testing utilized a non-laboratory created RCA and the second evaluated...

This study focuses on the qualitative and quantitative benefits of small urban and rural public transit systems in the United States. First, a thorough review of previous literature is presented. Then, a framework is developed which focuses on three main areas of transit benefits most relevant to rural...

Street networks designed to support Transit Oriented Development (TOD) increase accessibility for non-motorized traffic. However, the implications of TOD supportive networks for still dominant vehicular traffic are rarely addressed. Due to this lack of research, decision making in favor of TOD supportive...

North Dakota wheat producers are located long distances from major consumer and export markets. Understanding the competitive position of their products is important to focusing efforts for market development and transportation investments. Research here provides some fundamental knowledge about market...

Small urban sprawl has resulted in new housing developments and business centers that have never been served by transit. Unfortunately, transit agencies are often not included in the land development process within small urban communities. The objectives of this study were to determine what steps small...

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