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91 report(s) found with bridges in the keywords field
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This report is the response to the North Dakota Legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure needs of all counties, townships and tribes in the state. In 2019, the North Dakota Legislature advanced HB 1066 which had a provision for funding distributions to non-oil producing...

This study proposes a new remote sensing technique to measure three-component (3C) dynamic displacement of three-dimensional (3D) structures. A sensing system with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform and contact-free sensors (e.g., optical and infrared (IR) cameras) was employed to provide a portable...

Reliable and accurate assessment and prediction of bridge condition deterioration is critical for effective bridge preservation. Deterioration models, combined with current condition information, can guide inspection, maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation planning, and support risk and life-cycle analysis....

Measuring the dynamic displacements of a structure provides a comprehensive understanding of the structure, especially when subjected to different types of dynamic loading (i.e., wind, traffic, impact loads, blast loads). Despite their usefulness, direct displacement measurements are typically not collected...

This report presents the behavior of reinforced concrete beams retrofitted with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets and ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) jackets in a multi-hazard environment. Following the procedural protocol of a published standard, the beams are cyclically loaded under...

Recently, significant advances have been made in the development of rapid setting cementitious materials for partial-depth bridge deck repair. The rapid set times of these materials allow for traffic to be re-opened onto the bridge deck in several hours versus days once the material has been placed....

The maintenance and upgrade of infrastructure and buildings are critical for ensuring their performance, safety, and minimizing costs. However, inadequate planning and budget allocation, as well as resource constraints, often result in delayed maintenance, leading to costly interventions. To address...

This report presents the relevancy of the allowable stress rating (ASR) and the load and resistance factor rating (LRFR) methods for timber bridges. Benchmark bridges constructed in the 1930s have been upgraded with hollow structural steel (HSS) beams and three-dimensional finite element models provide...

The I-15 Downhole Array (I15DA) is located near the intersection of I-15 and I-80 in Salt Lake City, Utah. This downhole array is installed in soft soil deposited by Lake Bonneville, where depth to bedrock is expected to be at a considerable depth. The soil conditions at the I15DA are representative...

Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials have been studied and applied to reinforced concrete (RC) structures for strengthening or seismic retrofit for many years. This research is related to using FRP composites in new bridge structures. Capacity degradation in RC components of existing bridges...

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NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050