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4 report(s) found for Evert Lawton
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A research section was built within a major highway to compare the performance of different geosynthetic-reinforced pavement systems. The first test section contained no geosynthetic reinforcement. The second section was reinforced with a layer of geogrid. In the third test section, geotextile was placed...

Often engineers and maintenance personnel are faced with a serious problem in the maintenance of bridges due to excessive settlement of approach embankments near bridge abutments, causing bumps at the ends of the bridges. These settlements result from loading-induced and sometimes wetting-induced strains...

The purpose of this research project was to investigate and determine the reasons for premature deterioration of the geogrid-reinforced pavement system on the section of SR-10 between Muddy Creek and Emery, Utah. The statistical analyses and evaluations indicate that the structural design of the primary...

This report discusses the design and implementation of surcharging technology and the required laboratory, field, and engineering evaluations. It is hoped that such information will provide a more consistent and technically defensible rationale for deploying this technology on highway projects constructed...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050