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4 report(s) found for Guanghui Hua
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Escherichia coli (E. coli) is often used as an indicator organism to quantify the microbial safety of natural water resources. E. coli in stormwater runoff can cause serious health risks in natural water bodies. Conventional stormwater best management practices are generally not effective at removing...

Stormwater runoff generated in urban areas can increase the risks of flooding and contaminate surface waters. Various contaminants carried by stormwater runoff can negatively affect the water quality of receiving water bodies. Many of the conventional stormwater best management practices are designed...

Construction of highways usually requires large areas of land disturbance, which may result in accelerated soil erosion. The stormwater runoff from highway construction sites typically contains a large amount of fine particles that are difficult to remove using conventional best management practices....

Aqueous waste streams produced from commercial, industrial, and municipal processes may be potentially reused for transportation applications. The objectives of this project were to identify potential transportation-related applications for aqueous waste streams available in South Dakota, develop guidance...

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