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20 report(s) found for Jon Mielke
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Many Native American tribal governments are lacking in emergency preparedness, a part of the emergency management cycle where planning for disasters happens. These governments need assistance planning for future disasters. Federal, and state governments, along with other agencies and organizations, have...

This report responds to the North Dakota legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure needs of all county and township roads in the state. In this report, infrastructure needs are estimated using the most current production forecasts, traffic estimates, and roadway condition...

This study was precipitated by legislative action which mandated two transit coordination pilot projects in North Dakota. The report summarizes implementation efforts that were underway by the North Dakota Department of Transportation and presents recommendations and funding options concerning the continuation...

This report draws on prior and ongoing research regarding the transportation needs of Native American and Alaska Native communities. It also presents information on existing tribal transit services, much of which was collected via a survey of the entities that have received 5311(c) tribal transit funding...

North Dakota's 2009 Legislature directed the North Dakota Department of Transportation to initiate two public transit regional coordination projects. NDDOT subsequently contracted with the Small Urban & Rural Transit Center to develop corresponding implementation plans. Regional steering committees...

Long range planning is crucial for any organization but it is especially important for rural transit systems that have small staffs where one person may possess all the institutional knowledge that keeps things running. Unfortunately, the smallness of these organizations may also demand so much of an...

Long range planning is crucial for any organization but it is especially important for rural transit systems that have small staffs where one person may possess all the institutional knowledge that keeps things running. Unfortunately, the smallness of these organizations may also demand so much of an...

Long range planning is crucial for any organization but it is especially important for rural transit systems that have small staffs where one person may possess all the institutional knowledge that keeps things running. Unfortunately, the smallness of these organizations may also demand so much of an...

Long range planning is crucial for any organization but it is especially important for rural transit systems that have small staffs where one person may possess all the institutional knowledge that keeps things running. Unfortunately, the smallness of these organizations may also demand so much of an...

Rural American typically need to travel longer distances than their urban counterparts. They also tend to have lower incomes and have few travel options other than personal automobiles. As a result, rural residents spend a greater percentage of their income on motor fuel than urban dwellers. Many Native...

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