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Report Details

Title:Implementing Transit Coordination in North Dakota - Pilot Regions
Authors:Jon Mielke, Keven Anderson, and Carol Wright
Publication Date:Dec 2012
Report #:DP-257
TRID #:01470202
Keywords:budgeting, financing, mobility, performance measurement, public transit, routes, rural areas, websites (information retrieval)
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


This study was precipitated by legislative action which mandated two transit coordination pilot projects in North Dakota. The report summarizes implementation efforts that were underway by the North Dakota Department of Transportation and presents recommendations and funding options concerning the continuation of those efforts. It also presents recommendations and corresponding budgets for phased statewide deployment. Other project tasks included the creation of local operator websites, upgrading the transit portion of NDDOT's website, the development of uniform policies, efforts to standardized fares, and analyzing rural routes in an attempt to reduce duplication and increase mobility options.

How to Cite

Mielke, Jon, Keven Anderson, and Carol Wright. Implementing Transit Coordination in North Dakota - Pilot Regions, DP-257. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, 2012.

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