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24 report(s) found for University of Colorado Denver
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The transportation experiences of people with disabilities have improved since the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990. Despite progress, many aspects of the current transportation system still limit people with disabilities from traveling safely and efficiently. Moreover, transportation...


The first part of the study presents the time-dependent interfacial behavior of near-surface-mounted (NSM) carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) strips bonded to a concrete substrate using inorganic resins. Four types of bonding agents (mortar, polyester-silica, ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC)...


The existing parking system assumes that drivers can pay the right price for parking, but we find the opposite in a field study (N=567). Drivers either overpay or underpay for parking at on-street parking meters 98% of the time, for 20–30 minutes on average. Such misalignment between parking payments...


This report presents a comparative experimental study on the axial behavior of concrete subjected to alkali-silica reaction (ASR) with and without confinement by carbon-fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. A total of 120 cylinders are cast using two types of coarse aggregates to represent variable...


Academic literature has scant research on sidewalks, and some cities are lacking information to rectify an unprecedented backlog of deteriorating pedestrian infrastructure. A lack of data stymies efforts to understand sidewalks, how they may impact equity, and how cities can prioritize where to begin...


The transportation sector in the United States is currently dealing with several challenges, such as greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollution emission increases, parking facility costs, congestion, and energy consumption. The present report focuses on the development of an innovative multi-business commute...


Over a century of research suggests that the size and spatial location of various streetscape features impacts outcomes such as walkability, livability, and road safety. Current streetscape feature measuring/mapping techniques are limited to subjective audit-based methods, crude feature counts, or simple...


Despite similarities to the US in terms of transportation, land use, and culture, Australia kills 5.3 people per 100,000 population on the roads each year, as compared to the US rate of 12.4. Similar trends hold when accounting for distance driven and the number of registered cars. This paper seeks to...


This report presents the feasibility of a novel anchor system that mitigates the end-peeling of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets used for strengthening reinforced concrete beams. Contrary to conventional anchoring methods, CFRP sheets are embedded inside the pre-grooved concrete and covered...


The existing online mapping systems process many user route queries simultaneously, yet solve each independently, using typical route guidance solutions. These route recommendations are presented as optimal, but often this is not truly the case, due to the effects of competition users experience over...

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