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150 report(s) found with safety in the keywords field
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This study evaluated the approach-level safety performance of left-turn phases at signalized intersections, including permissive, protected-permissive (PPLT), protected indications, and flashing yellow arrow (FYA). Data collection included exact dates of traffic signal changes, high-resolution datasets...


The 24/7 Sobriety Program is an intervention strategy mandating that impaired driving offenders remain sober as a condition of bond or pre-trial release. The goal is to monitor the most at-risk offenders in North Dakota and require that these individuals remain sober in order to keep roadways safe from...


Studies of self-regulation suggest that monitoring is essential for task performance and the attainment of goals. Research was conducted to investigate factors affecting the monitoring of driving and driving safety. Participants drove on a simulator course while discussing emotional topics or daily routines....


The statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the Safety Division and others to use in understanding perceptions and self-reported behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities, including seat belts, impaired driving...


The State of Wyoming road network is characterized by heavy truck traffic. In 2015, truck traffic was approximately 22% of vehicle miles traveled (VMTs) along all routes in Wyoming, according to the WYDOT Annual Traffic Report. The heaviest truck traffic exists along I-80 with about 47% truck VMTs. Trucks...


Federal track safety regulations require railroads to inspect all tracks in operation as often as twice weekly. Railroad companies deploy expensive and relatively slow methods using human inspectors and expensive automated inspection vehicles to inspect and monitor their rail tracks. The current practices...


Child pedestrians are some of the most vulnerable users of our transportation systems, and they deserve particular attention when we consider traffic safety. Part 1 of this report identifies locations in urban areas where child pedestrians are at particular risk for fatal collisions with vehicles. We...


The roadside area where fixed-object hazards are explicitly minimized is called the clear zone, which became standard design practice soon after the 1966 Congressional hearings on road and automobile safety. Mounting evidence, however, is beginning to cast doubt on what we think we know about the impact...


Innovative intersections and interchanges have proliferated in the State of Utah over the past several years. Continuous flow intersections and diverging diamond interchanges seem to offer improved traffic performance and safety due to their innovative designs. However, there are no clearly defined guidelines...


This study is considered a first step toward validating applicability of the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) Part D to Wyoming conditions. The HSM Part D provides a quantitative measure of safety for various countermeasures known as crash modification factors (CMF). These CMFs are provided for four distinct...

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