MPC Research Reports Filter by Keyword21 report(s) found with volume in the keywords field During area-wide episodes of poor air quality, people may reduce their transportation-related emissions by driving less, reducing their exposure to emissions by walking/bicycling less, or going about their lives as usual. These three reactions have different consequences for transportation, health, and... Transportation planning, traffic monitoring, and traffic safety analysis require detailed information about pedestrian volumes, but such data are usually lacking. Fortunately, recent research has demonstrated the accuracy of pedestrian volumes estimated from push-button data contained within high-resolution... The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) needs to respond quickly and adapt to the coronavirus (COVID-19) to ensure continuation of critical infrastructure support and relief for the American people. Since early March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impact on traffic across the United... Traffic volume data are crucial in many applications, including transportation operation analysis, congestion management, and accident prevention. Yet an extensive capture of accurate volume information on a large-scale network can be difficult and costly. This research focuses on hourly traffic volume... This report explains the various data inputs and outputs associated with the travel demand model (TDM) developed for estimating traffic volumes on low-volume roads in Wyoming. This study incorporated tourism-related data into the TDM and developed methods to estimate traffic volume on low-volume roads... The trucking industry continues to contribute significantly to the economy of the United States. The surface transportation system has been a critical component for the movement of goods and services by the trucking industry across the country. Recent decades have seen substantial growth in freight miles... This study evaluates the impact of proposed replacement on the travelers in Summit County. The purpose of this research is to provide UDOT an estimation of possible delay costs due to congested traffic resulting from the proposed work zone scenarios. The VISSIM micro-simulation tool is used to build... As more Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) becomes available to use in roadways, The Wyoming T2/LTAP Center and two Wyoming Counties investigated the use of RAP in gravel roads. The Wyoming DOT and the Mountain-Plains Consortium funded this study. The investigation explored the use RAP as a means of dust... Untreated native soil with high swell potential has been identified by the Colorado Department of Transportation as one of the major contributing factors in the development of premature longitudinal cracking and other pavement distresses in Colorado (Ardani et al. 2003). Unique regional factors such... This report details the results of a project aimed at determining how to legally establish a county road in Wyoming. This report covers the laws on this issue from territory days until the present. It consists of a survey, case law, statutory law, federal law, direction and a final desk reference. The...