Research Reports Filter by Keyword60 report(s) found with trucking in the keywords field This study seeks to provide truckload carrier management information to improve their human resource management strategies. It has been shown that job satisfaction is related to turnover, and turnover results in increased costs for the firm. Thus, this study seeks to lower carrier costs by focusing on... This report examines the firm decisions to enter markets under conditions of joint production and entry regulation. The overall objective of this report is to assist grain trucking firms manage their backhaul opportunities. The specific objectives of this report are to: 1) identify and define the industry backhaul characteristics of North Dakota grain truckers; 2) determine and describe what methods are being used... The Commercial Motor Vehicle Act of 1986 requires that drivers of certain vehicles (especially large trucks) obtain a commercial drivers license. The law as originally written would require that farmers obtain the license if their vehicles and shipment types fall within the established provisions of... The specific objectives of the report are to: 1) define and compare industry characteristics of North Dakota grain truckers with previous research; 2) estimate and evaluate the operating costs for motor carrier firms hauling grain in North Dakota; and 3) evaluate changes in grain trucking costs over... This directory was published with two goals in mind. First, it serves as a list to shippers in identifying inter- and intrastate grain haulers. Second, it publicizes firms that operate in the grain trucking industry. During the late 1970's and early 1980's a variety of legislation was passed that affected the transportation industries. Legislated changes, coupled with rising costs and a depressed economy, represented a wide variety of new circumstances facing the grain distribution system, particularly the grain... Management and utilization of North Dakota's transportation network is extremely dynamic in nature. This has always been the case, but particularly so in the past five to ten years. Several factors have accelerated the changes in demands on the transportation system and its management. Some of these... The main purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of existing federal and state laws and regulations on intrastate trucking operations in North Dakota and analyze the potential impacts of regulatory reform (including varying degrees of regulation). This directory was published with two goals in mind. First, it serves as a list to shippers in identifying interstate grain haulers. And second, it publicizes firms that operate in the grain trucking industry.