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7 report(s) found with subgrade (pavements) in the keywords field
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A research section was built within a major highway to compare the performance of different geosynthetic-reinforced pavement systems. The first test section contained no geosynthetic reinforcement. The second section was reinforced with a layer of geogrid. In the third test section, geotextile was placed...

The purpose of this research project was to investigate and determine the reasons for premature deterioration of the geogrid-reinforced pavement system on the section of SR-10 between Muddy Creek and Emery, Utah. The statistical analyses and evaluations indicate that the structural design of the primary...

To facilitate the implementation of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide in Wyoming, this research investigated the relationships between subgrade resilient modulus (Mr) and the dynamic cone penetration and the standard penetration test results, selected three best subgrade Mr predictive models...

This document is the second in a series of three manuals produced for the South Dakota Department of Transportation. It is intended for use by county superintendents and other county roadway agency personnel within the State of South Dakota for the efficient selection of maintenance, rehabilitation...

This report describes a study jointly conducted by the University of Wyoming and the Wyoming Department of Transportation to examine the factors influencing the determination of a subgrade resilient modulus value. The objectives of this study were to first, investigate the importance of several fundamental...

The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effects of freeze-thaw conditioning and overloading on the resilient modulus (Mr) of subgrade soils susceptible to frost penetration. The Mr values of conditioned samples were compared to unconditioned samples. All Mr values were determined in...

This report describes a study to evaluate the use of subgrade resilient modulus for the design of flexible pavements. The objectives of this initial study were to: a) investigate the relationship between resilient modulus and R-value, and b) develop a predictive equation for resilient modulus based on...

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