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94 report(s) found with safety in the keywords field
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Truck crashes on steep downgrades caused by excessive brake heating is an ongoing concern for the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT). Crashes resulting from brake failure on downgrades cause a devastating toll on lives and property. To counter such crashes, WYDOT initiated a research project...

As a result of the considerable differences in mass between vehicles and trains, crashes at highway-rail grade crossings (HRGCs) often result in severe injuries and fatalities. Therefore, HRGC safety is considered a crucial transportation safety issue. Transportation decision makers and agencies need...

Road safety is a crucial topic of transportation engineering. The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) collects such data from police crash reports and roadway inventories. WYDOT also provides those data to its partner groups in the form of data records or summary statistics documented in periodical...

performance in the presence of variable road hazards. Road networks plagued by consistent weather or work zones affecting driving conditions are where VSL systems could improve safety. Depending on the road condition and objective of the VSL installation, the system could be advisory or regulatory. In...

Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) driving features can impact traffic safety in many aspects owing to their improved driving behavior. On the other hand, road geometric design elements are mainly based on human reactions and behavior, which might affect safety depending on road layout and the parties...

For decades, work zone traffic safety under adverse weather conditions has been a serious concern for drivers and transportation agencies. Natural hazards often cause disruptions on roads and bridges and work zones during the retrofitting process. Existing studies on work zone traffic safety with statistical...

Transportation access management is defined as systematic control of the design, spacing, operation, and locations of street connections, interchanges, driveways, and median openings on the roadway with the purpose of providing vehicle access while preserving the efficiency and safety of the entire transportation...

This project aims to using eye-tracking technology to optimize work zone safety. First, a systematic literature review was conducted to present the background of its application in construction safety. In total, 81 publications were screened from Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, and American Society of...

This study evaluates two versions of the new super diverging diamond interchange (Super DDI) design as a possible alternative to improve the performance of failing service interchanges in the Denver, Colorado, metro. Three interchanges, Interstate 225 and Mississippi Ave, Interstate 25 and 120th Ave...

Railroad accidents can cause economic harm that extends far beyond their own financial losses. As one of the most efficient modes of long-distance freight transportation, losses in line capacity and cargo due to accidents can disrupt the supply chain and lead to commodity shortages everywhere. Therefore...

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