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150 report(s) found with safety in the keywords field
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Over time, road usage in western North Dakota has changed. Interstate, highway, and low-volume unpaved roads have been used with greater frequency because of increased agricultural production and a growing energy sector. This evolution is especially evident in a 17-county region where oil extraction...


With the understanding that seat belts are a relatively low-cost safety device, and are an easy primary protection for occupants in passenger vehicles, North Dakota has chosen to continue to measure seat belt use on non-interstate rural roads. In 2001, 88% of fatal crashes occurred on rural roads. During...


This research compares safety, measured by expected crash frequency and severity, on road segments where design exceptions were approved and constructed to similar road segments where no design exceptions were approved or constructed. Data were collected for design exceptions in Utah in the years 2001...


SAFETEA-LU contains language indicating that State Department of Transportation (DOTs) will be required to address safety on local and rural roads. It is important for state, county, and city officials to cooperate in producing a comprehensive safety plan to improve statewide safety. This legislation...


An attempt is made to integrally evaluate the safety of large trucks on mountainous highways. The I-70 corridor in Colorado is chosen to demonstrate the methodology because of its typical mountainous terrain and adverse weather conditions. First, the ten-year historical accident records are analyzed...


With the understanding that seat belts are a relatively low-cost safety device, and are an easy primary protection for occupants in passenger vehicles, North Dakota has chosen to continue to measure rural roads seat belt use. The U.S. Department of Transportation works with states to measure seat belt...


Speed is one of many factors that increase the risk of serious or fatal injury in traffic crashes. Understanding driver and road manager decisions regarding travel speeds is fundamental to improving traffic safety. The objective of this study was to test existing equipment and technology assets in monitoring...


The initial statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the TSO and others in understanding perceptions and behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities, including seat belts, drinking and driving, and speeding. In addition...


This report seeks to update and expand upon a 2007 (Vachal and McGowan) report by determining changes in traffic safety policy that may have occurred in each of the Northern Rocky Mountain Region (NRMR) states (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming) between 2006 and 2010. The report will ascertain...


In an attempt to predict these crashes, North Dakota driver licensing data and crash data were used to develop a sample of 20,392 teen drivers age 14 to 17. Within the first year after being licensed, these drivers sustained 317 crashes that resulted in an injury or death. The resulting logistic regression...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050