Research Reports Filter by Keyword5 report(s) found with railroad trains in the keywords field 1 - 5 of 5 The purpose of this study is to provide information about railroad fuel efficiency that may be useful in evaluating transportation energy policies and assessing the sustainability of potential projects. The specific objectives are to (1) develop railroad energy efficiency models that describe differences... In this paper, elevator trip generation equations are estimated from detailed facility, land-use, and highway traffic data in North Dakota. A trip attraction equation is used to explain the effects of elevator storage capacity and side track capacity on elevator throughput. Elevators are classified on... A laboratory test program was conducted on full-scale specimens replicating the main elements of a timber trestle railroad bridge chord. Previous field load testing had been done and was complicated by differing site-specific conditions. The purpose of the ongoing laboratory study described is to compare... The study demonstrated that short lines could achieve greater cost savings if they were to increase their density (revenue ton miles per mile) and their size (mile of road). Size is an important criterion that a short line must examine when evaluating the purchase of a new section of track. However... A field load test program was conducted to evaluate three open-deck timber railroad trestle bridges. The bridges included part of a 31-span bridge, a 4-span bridge with skewed interior bents and a 3-span bridge. Plies of the chords of the bridges were evaluated non-destructively for material properties...