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13 report(s) found with pricing in the keywords field
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The main objective of rural roadway pricing is revenue generation, rather than elimination of congestion externalities. This report presents a model that provides optimum tolls accounting for pavement deterioration and economic impacts. This model contains multiple components, because imposing tolls...

Innovative lane management offers the opportunity to levy fees for the premium road space. Express Lanes in Utah offer road users reduced journey times for a fee. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has converted the High Occupancy-Vehicle (HOV) lanes on Interstate 15 (I-15) from 600 North Street...

This research focuses on the long-standing relationship between the rail industry and production agriculture. It will investigate the differential effects of policy change, considering factors that have influenced pricing service for corn, wheat and soybeans in a deregulated rail industry.

This study examines the cost implications of mergers and competition over existing rail lines by testing for the condition of cost subadditivity. That is, can industry output be provided at a lower cost by one firm than by more than one firm?

This analysis is largely based on received theory of firm behavior. How will an individual transportation firm react to changes in the logistical system if the four dams are breached? The collective action of like firms will result in changes in the industry, which will reveal much about the potential...

The 100+ car rates are a recent innovation in rail grain pricing. Although the rates have been available via contract, a public offering last fall initiated much of the current interest in these larger units. The objective of this study is to provide an informational base that hard red spring wheat market...

The United States has produced an excess supply of wheat for over a century. The excess wheat supply and the development of an extensive transportation network has enhanced the U.S.'s regional and world-wide wheat trade capabilities. Wheat moves through several channels from the time it leaves the farm...

This paper attempts to improve on the rail rate estimation employed by McFarland, while also measuring the impact of deregulation on rail profitability.

Knowledge and control of costs is fundamental to any business enterprise. Understanding the structure of costs allows managers to achieve various goals within their organization. Costs knowledge has implications for pricing and for efficiency gains, both actions of which increase the potential profitability...

This research effort is concerned with developing certain policy guidance tools that can be used to generate information that may be used by policymakers in deciding the desirability and utility of employing certain high technology options in solving ground transportation congestion and other large scale...

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