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33 report(s) found with economics in the keywords field
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The overall objective was to determine the extent that economies of size and density are available to short line railroads. Size economies are limited for short line railroads. For example, doubling the size of the network (from 56 to 129 miles) decreases costs by only 6.9 percent. The elasticity of...

The objective of this study is to determine whether local and regional railroads are beneficial for North Dakota. This is the basic question which must be answered before informed public policy can be developed.

The objective of this study is to estimate the potential efficiencies gains from short line operation of branch lines in North Dakota. Cost and revenue estimates are developed in the study for three potential short line networks on Burlington Northern's system.

The analyses that follow are concerned with four investment alternatives: 1) purchase of tractor/trailer rig; 2) lease of tractor/trailer rig; 3) purchase of jumbo covered hopper car; and 4) lease of jumbo covered hopper car.

The grain handling and transportation system in North Dakota is experiencing tremendous infrastructural change. Multiple car grain rates, rail line abandonments, energy considerations and technological advances are corollary factors, among others, influencing this transition.

This paper presents an overview of the use and development of rail cost statistics in transportation and marketing analysis. The purpose of the paper is to provide transportation and marketing analysts with a general description of cost procedures and areas of application and use.

The development and use of transportation databases is an essential prerequisite to transportation and marketing analysis. In few other disciplines are the databases so scattered and uncoordinated as in the field of transportation. Yet, there are few disciplines which are so data-dependent, particularly...

The general purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance and operating characteristics of the motor carrier industry moving North Dakota grain. Specific objectives were to: (1) identify the structure and operating characteristics of the exempt motor carrier industry; (2) identify costs of operation...

The general purpose of this paper is to examine certain effects of high interest rates on the marketing of grain. Specifically, the paper addresses alternative carrying costs to country elevators assuming various scenarios and contains a description of the economic incentives for utilizing cash grain...

Discusses the advantages/disadvantages of leasing rail equipment in North Dakota.

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