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18 report(s) found with economic impacts in the keywords field
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Transportation access management is defined as systematic control of the design, spacing, operation, and locations of street connections, interchanges, driveways, and median openings on the roadway with the purpose of providing vehicle access while preserving the efficiency and safety of the entire transportation...

The objective of this research was to measure the benefits of rural and small urban transit services in Minnesota. The study accomplished this by first identifying, describing, and classifying the potential benefits of transit. Second, a method was developed for measuring these benefits. Where possible...

Converse, Goshen, Laramie, and Platte counties were selected in accordance with a legislative directive as part of a project to determine the impact of the oil and gas industry on county infrastructure. This thesis takes into account the impact of county gravel roads and strategies used to help develop...

The main objective of rural roadway pricing is revenue generation, rather than elimination of congestion externalities. This report presents a model that provides optimum tolls accounting for pavement deterioration and economic impacts. This model contains multiple components, because imposing tolls...

Each year there are more than 16,000 motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) on North Dakota roadways, resulting in more than 2,900 injuries and 107 fatalities. Understanding the economic impacts of these MVCs is important in discerning impacts of road investments, behaviors, and policy changes that affect public...

Rural American typically need to travel longer distances than their urban counterparts. They also tend to have lower incomes and have few travel options other than personal automobiles. As a result, rural residents spend a greater percentage of their income on motor fuel than urban dwellers. Many Native...

This study analyzes the economic impacts of load limits and the benefits of establishing a statewide program to coordinate the administration of load limits. The study reported truck size and weight regulations as well as state permitting policies and costs for various types of permits in North Dakota....

The focus of this study is on the potential role of transportation infrastructure in expanding sales of goods outside the state. Much of the freight exported from North Dakota moves by rail. Therefore, both highway and railroad system are analyzed. To the extent possible, the benefits and costs associated...

Railroad and grain elevator rationalization have changed farm-to-market transportation in the western United States. Railroad route miles have declined from approximately 230,00 in 1929 to 171,000 today. Over the same period, average railroad traffic density (as measured in revenue ton-miles per mile...

This report identifies several factors critical to the success of short line rail roads. Success was measured and analyzed by looking at variables related to traffic volume, backhaul traffic, reliance on industries and/or commodities, number of shippers, flexibility of labor, track conditions, management...

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