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MPC Research Reports
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6 report(s) found with deformation in the keywords field
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A theoretical framework is developed for applying the material point method (MPM) to problems of modeling natural hazard effects on several representative geometries. Following an outline of the general methodology, in which the structural system is replaced by a combination of integrated Lagrangian...

This report presents the relevancy of the allowable stress rating (ASR) and the load and resistance factor rating (LRFR) methods for timber bridges. Benchmark bridges constructed in the 1930s have been upgraded with hollow structural steel (HSS) beams and three-dimensional finite element models provide...

Compared with conventional lap splicing, mechanical splicing is an alternative method of connecting bars in reinforced concrete (RC) structures, and is used mainly to reduce bar congestion in joints. Recently, mechanical bar splices, which are also referred to as bar couplers, have been used in laboratories...

The high amount of confining lateral steel required by seismic design provisions for rectangular bridge columns can cause steel congestion. The high amount of confining steel may hinder the placement of conventional concrete (CC). Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) eliminates or reduces concrete placement...

Current pavement design based on the AASHTO Design Guide uses an empirical approach from the results of the AASHO Road Test conducted in 1958. To address some of the limitations of the original design guide, AASHTO developed a new guide: Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG). This guide...

Flexible Highway Barriers (May 2008, MPC-08-198)

Highway barriers exist in part to protect life and property from excessive danger as part of normal road usage. Typically, these barriers can be characterized as stiff and passive. In this study, we report on the potential use of highly flexible materials that maintain the effective resistance to load...

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