Research Reports Filter by Keyword20 report(s) found with cement in the keywords field North Dakota's current driving under suspension (DUS) law, enforcement, and effects are explored from the perspective of the state's municipal and district court judges (including judicial referees/magistrates). Overall weighted results are presented in addition to between-group distinctions. These insights... The Rocky Mountain Region has experienced considerable difficulty because of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in concrete construction. Wyoming Department of Transportation was successful in using recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) on Interstate I-80 with limited ASR damage. Reusing concrete from demolition... Longitudinal joints in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement slabs require tie (dowel) bars to control joint opening resulting from thermal stresses. Inspections of PCC pavements by the South Dakota Department of Transportation using ground penetrating radar revealed that it is common for tie bars... Calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cement was used to cast a prestressed voided deck slab bridge girder. The rapid-set properties of CSA cement allowed the initial concrete strength to reach the required 4300 psi needed in order to cut the prestressing strands 6.5 hours after casting. Prestress losses were... The objectives of this study were to assess geotechnical properties of mine waste amended with fly ash and evaluate reuse of fly ash amended mine waste as road construction material. Three types of fly ash and one type of cement were used as cementitious binder. Natural and synthetic (i.e., laboratory... For highways located in different counties and cities across the country, specific conditions of weather, terrain, traffic characteristics, highway conditions, population and economic development are all different. Driving environments, traffic accidents and injury risks have strong interactions, which... Driving under the influence is a dangerous activity and is especially problematic in North Dakota. To curtail rates of impaired driving, it is important to examine the actions of those that have firsthand involvement with DUI prevention: prosecutors, community leaders, and law enforcement personnel.... Commercial motor vehicle (CMV) enforcement efforts seek to make travel on public highways safer. CMV enforcement professionals secure compliance of CMV's with state laws regulating weight of commercial vehicles to protect state highways from unnecessary damage, and ensure payment of necessary registration... Seat belt use on rural roads is especially important due to the relatively high risk for injury compared to urban areas. In the northern plains, where nearly 90% of travel occurs on rural roads, addressing this issue is particularly critical. A cohort group of 32 states was used to study seat belt use... North Dakota's rural roads are vital social and economic connectors. These roads, however, are associated with relatively high crash injury risk. While a multitude of efforts is underway to reduce crash risk through road improvements and vehicle technology, seat belts offer an immediate and low-cost...