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4 report(s) found for David Sanbonmatsu
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Studies of self-regulation suggest that monitoring is essential for task performance and the attainment of goals. Research was conducted to investigate factors affecting the monitoring of driving and driving safety. Participants drove on a simulator course while discussing emotional topics or daily routines....

A study investigated the cognitive underpinnings of consumers' beliefs and confidence in their beliefs about fully automated vehicles. Following previous research, opinions about self-driving cars tended to be mixed. The most negative views were held by consumers who had the least knowledge of self-driving...

A study was conducted to investigate why people talk on a cell phone while driving and why they also support legislation to restrict this practice. Participants completed a survey about their driving attitudes, abilities, and behaviors, and performed the OSPAN task. They reported using cell phones for...

Multitasking may diminish the self-awareness of performance that is often essential for self-regulation and self-knowledge. Participants in an experiment drove on a simulator while talking or not talking on a cell phone. The errors they made while driving were recorded. Following previous research, participants...

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