Research Reports Filter by Author9 report(s) found for EunSu Lee 1 - 9 of 9 To support agricultural logistics and energy development, road and bridge infrastructure has been in North Dakota due to the recent oil boom and the long-term importance of the agricultural industry. With the advance of simulation and data mining, the agent-based model (ABM) has emerged as a solution.... Due to the recent oil boom, the Fort Berthold Reservation has experienced a dramatic increase in highway and local traffic. To support energy transportation and provide safe roads, the reservation needs cost-efficient and effective transportation planning for present and future needs. A quality road... Ambulance services continually strive for improvement of their emergency response operations to provide better service to the community. The difference of a couple minutes can be a crucial factor in the survival of a patient. Therefore, it is of great importance for ambulance services to have reliable... This study investigates geostatistical approaches using ordinary Kriging and clustering analysis for traffic crash data in order to identify the traffic accident hot spots in North Dakota counties. The research analyzes 37 years (1975–2011) of fatality crash data available from a U.S. National Highway... Andrew Bratlien, Alan Dybing, Luke Holt, Tim Horner, Yasaman Kazemi, EunSu Lee, Pan Lu, Jon Mielke, Denver Tolliver, Brad Wentz, Vu Dang, Christopher DeHaan, Nimish Dharmadhikari, Chijioke Ifepe, Yong Shin Park, Fangzheng Yuan, and Zijian Zheng This report responds to the North Dakota legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure needs of all county and township roads in the state. In this report, infrastructure needs are estimated using the most current production forecasts, traffic estimates, and roadway condition... Estimating drilling locations plays an important role in forecasting truck trips derived by hydraulic fracturing oil development for long-range transportation planning. Predicting drilling locations among more than 7,000 oil drilling lands shows a random pattern with uncertainty. Twenty-year multi-period... Urban freight planning is more complex than urban passenger transport in many respects. The complexity of the planning process arises from the fact that (i) movement of freight in an urban area is part of a logistics chain for diverse goods moved from points of production via warehouses and distribution... In this study, we estimated the travel response time between the ambulance locations and the demand points and between the demand points and the hospitals. The estimation was conducted in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) by utilizing the shortest path algorithm. The demand points were randomly generated... Denver Tolliver, Brad Wentz, Alan Dybing, Pan Lu, Andrew Bratlien, Tim Horner, EunSu Lee, Yasaman Kazemi, Nimish Dharmadhikari, Christopher DeHaan, Luke Holt, Chijioke Ifepe, and Sumadhur Shakya This report responds to the North Dakota legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure needs of all county and township roads in the state. In this report, infrastructure needs are estimated using the most current production forecasts, traffic estimates, and roadway condition...