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38 report(s) found for Del Peterson
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Ride or Relocate (Mar 2010, DP-223)

The objective of this research was to quantify the cost of living at home and riding transit in North Dakota versus relocating to an assisted living facility. Special attention was paid to three different living situations including homeowners with and without mortgages as well as apartment dwellers....

Small urban sprawl has resulted in new housing developments and business centers that have never been served by transit. Unfortunately, transit agencies are often not included in the land development process within small urban communities. The objectives of this study were to determine what steps small...

Biodiesel is a naturally grown, alternative fuel source. It's a cleaner burning fuel than traditional fossil fuels and therefore substantially reduces emissions of pollutants, such as air toxins and hydrocarbons. It also provides significant reductions in greenhouse gases that cause global warming. The...

In October 2005, the Federal Transit Administration and the Small Urban & Rural Transit Center at North Dakota State University held a meeting with several transit industry representatives launching a project to examine the state of small transit vehicles. The scope of this paper is primarily focused...

This report analyzes the services provided by RCPT and assesses efforts that have been made to coordinate these services with other area service providers and human service agencies. Based on this assessment, the report's final sections present recommendations and implementation strategies related to...

This study provides information regarding the current state of the small transit vehicle industry. The recommendations will serve as a general procurement aid for bus manufacturers and transit agencies. The ultimate goal of this research is to discover procedures to improve the efficiency of the entire...

Turtle Mountain Reservation is located in Rolette County in extreme north central North Dakota. The reservation and surrounding tribal lands are densely populated and have more residents per square mile than Cass County, North Dakota's most populated county. Unemployment in the area is extremely high...

The objective of this project is to examine the feasibility of developing a new transit vehicle, or vehicle specifications, to meet the needs of transit operators and riders. A transit vehicle designed to meet the specific needs of systems will lead to gained efficiencies by transit providers because...

The Metropolitan Area Transit System (MAT) is the public bus system for the cities of Fargo, Moorhead, and West Fargo. The city of Fargo wants to better understand rider's satisfaction with the Metropolitan Area Transit system's current bus service. The Fargo/West Fargo portion of Metropolitan Area...

Clay County Rural Transit (CCRT) is considering the implementation of an express bus system to serve commuters between the Wahpeton-Breckenridge and Fargo-Moorhead metro areas, a 55-mile trip. CCRT runs a similar service between Detroit Lakes, Barnesville, and Fargo-Moorhead. The bus would stop at designated...

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