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A community is considered walkable if it is easy and safe for pedestrians to walk for recreation and exercise and to destinations such as schools, stores, parks, and post offices. A walkable community encourages the safe use of existing infrastructure while expanding transportation options for users...


The transportation experiences of people with disabilities have improved since the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990. Despite progress, many aspects of the current transportation system still limit people with disabilities from traveling safely and efficiently. Moreover, transportation...


Construction projects require long hours where workers are subjected to intensive tasks such as hard manual labor, heavy lifting, and constrained working postures. Among the physiological metrics, heart rate (HR) is reported to be a good indicator of physical stress and workload. HR forecasting models...


The I-15 Downhole Array (I15DA) is located near the intersection of I-15 and I-80 in Salt Lake City, Utah. This downhole array is installed in soft soil deposited by Lake Bonneville, where depth to bedrock is expected to be at a considerable depth. The soil conditions at the I15DA are representative...


Teens are a high-risk driver group. Previous research shows risk-based injury prevention programs for subpopulations or individuals can be successful as buildouts to universal strategies. The goal here was to assess the efficacy of parent advisory letters as a supplement to graduated driving license...


Inductive power transfer systems (IPTS) embedded in concrete pavement panels allow EVs to charge their batteries while in motion. Four prototype concrete slabs were constructed and monitored during high-cycle fatigue loading. After the fatigue tests, each slab was subjected to a static load until failure....


As roundabouts become increasingly popular, and as many communities promote bicycle use, the safety of roundabouts for people bicycling is of major concern. In this project, we studied bicyclists' safety perceptions of and preferences for roundabouts with different characteristics. First, we performed...


This report investigates public transportation's impact on food insecurity in North Dakota's rural and small urban areas, defining "small urban" as cities with 2,500 to 49,999 people. It highlights how limited public transport exacerbates food access issues, scrutinizing the potential of transit systems...


The research project produces a statewide airspace network, delivery schedule, and truck/drone fleet mix. Such an airspace network is optimized to ensure that drones are strategically deconflicted as required by NASA and the total energy over that day is minimized. Such an airspace network is realized...


The objective of this report is to provide a benchmark for elevator managers in assessing performance and supply a source for recognizing trends in the characteristics of North Dakota elevators. This report and the statistics mailed to individual elevators are presented as a source of information for...

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