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Report Details

Title:Developing a Method for Assessing National Demand-Response Transit Level of Service
Authors:Ranjit Godavarthy, Jeremy Mattson, Patrick Nichols, Del Peterson, and Jill Hough
Publication Date:Oct 2015
TRID #:01580962
Keywords:data collection, evaluation and assessment, level of service, methodology, paratransit services, recommendations, surveys
Type:Research Report


The objectives of this study are to identify data needs for assessing demand-response transit (DRT) level of service, develop a data collection tool for obtaining those data, and develop a method for assessing DRT levels of service and prioritizing needs for service improvements. A survey was developed to gather important information such as service span, service area, and service eligibility from DRT operators. The survey was tested in North Dakota and Florida, and recommendations were made for deploying the survey nationwide. A method was also developed for combining the service data collected from the survey with population and demographic data to identify areas with greater needs for service improvements.

How to Cite

Godavarthy, Ranjit, Jeremy Mattson, Patrick Nichols, Del Peterson, and Jill Hough. Developing a Method for Assessing National Demand-Response Transit Level of Service. University of South Florida, Tampa: National Center for Transit Research, 2015.

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