Research Reports Filter by Keyword5 report(s) found with water transportation in the keywords field 1 - 5 of 5 The analysis describes world trade in containers by country, through time, by importers and exporters, and by port areas. In addition, it includes an analysis of containerization of cargo. Specifically, we used the data to analyze the extent that cargos that traditionally were shipped in bulk, have become... In 1993, North Dakota State University (NDSU) established graduate transportation options in civil engineering and agricultural economics. Since many aspects of the transportation programs are interdisciplinary in nature, the potential exists for expansion to other departments at NDSU, and for increased... This report will review the demand situation in Bolivia, emphasizing location and end use. Then, the physical distribution of PL 480 wheat will be evaluated, looking first at the ocean transportation, then the port alternatives and support, and finally, the transportation within the South American interior.... The development and use of transportation databases is an essential prerequisite to transportation and marketing analysis. In few other disciplines are the databases so scattered and uncoordinated as in the field of transportation. Yet, there are few disciplines which are so data-dependent, particularly... Deals with issues regarding the importance of transportation in the Upper Midwest.