Research Reports Filter by Keyword21 report(s) found with trucks in the keywords field The research project produces a statewide airspace network, delivery schedule, and truck/drone fleet mix. Such an airspace network is optimized to ensure that drones are strategically deconflicted as required by NASA and the total energy over that day is minimized. Such an airspace network is realized... A survey of farm operators in the Central Plains Region, including Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska, was conducted to gather information about transportation of crops, the inventory and characteristics of farmer-owned truck fleets, and on-farm storage capacity. The objective of the study... Alan Dybing, Andrew Wrucke, Brenda Lantz, Bradley Wentz, Denver Tolliver, Kimberly Vachal, Timothy Horner, Dale Heglund, Thomas Jirik, Leanna Emmer, Doug Hoopman, Mark Berwick, and Robert Shannon This effort responds to the North Dakota Legislature's direction to North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) to collaborate with the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI) to study the impacts in North Dakota of harmonizing truck size and weight regulations with states in the western... The sharp increase in travel volumes, shift in traffic mix, and large increases in crashes have transformed the travel environment in the oil region of western North Dakota. Roads once used for local access and agricultural purposes now mostly serve expanding oil production. Oil companies, workers, commercial... This research develops a two-stage approach for estimating a statewide truck origin-destination (O-D) trip table. The proposed approach is supported by two sequential stages: one estimates the commodity-based truck O-D trip table primarily derived from the commodity flow database, and the other refines... The trucking industry continues to contribute significantly to the economy of the United States. The surface transportation system has been a critical component for the movement of goods and services by the trucking industry across the country. Recent decades have seen substantial growth in freight miles... Commercial motor vehicle (CMV) enforcement efforts seek to make travel on public highways safer. CMV enforcement professionals secure compliance of CMV's with state laws regulating weight of commercial vehicles to protect state highways from unnecessary damage, and ensure payment of necessary registration... The purpose of this study is to provide information about railroad fuel efficiency that may be useful in evaluating transportation energy policies and assessing the sustainability of potential projects. The specific objectives are to (1) develop railroad energy efficiency models that describe differences... Over time, road usage in western North Dakota has changed. Interstate, highway, and low-volume unpaved roads have been used with greater frequency because of increased agricultural production and a growing energy sector. This evolution is especially evident in a 17-county region where oil extraction... An attempt is made to integrally evaluate the safety of large trucks on mountainous highways. The I-70 corridor in Colorado is chosen to demonstrate the methodology because of its typical mountainous terrain and adverse weather conditions. First, the ten-year historical accident records are analyzed...