Research Reports Filter by Keyword11 report(s) found with transit riders in the keywords field This study examines public opinion toward transit during the COVID-19 pandemic, changes in rider behavior, and responses by transit agencies. This was accomplished through two surveys. First, a survey of transit riders and the public was conducted to examine response to the pandemic. It focused on the... The objectives of this research are to study the demographic indicators of tribal communities that relate to transportation needs, describe and evaluate existing tribal transit operations and funding, and examine the role of transit in livability and quality of life in tribal communities in the United... This study identified and analyzed existing transit and other passenger mobility options in North Dakota. Information about population growth trends and demographics across the state are described and used to identify areas with the greatest needs for mobility services. Transit service levels across... The objective of this research was to measure the benefits of rural and small urban transit services in Minnesota. The study accomplished this by first identifying, describing, and classifying the potential benefits of transit. Second, a method was developed for measuring these benefits. Where possible... While many factors influence a community's livability, affordable transportation options such as transit services can be an important contributor. Availability and frequency of transit services vary greatly among metro and non-metro areas, thereby affecting the access to affordable transportation options.... This study investigates the nexus of transit and rural livability by conducting case studies in the North Dakota communities of Valley City and Dickinson. While many factors influence the livability of a rural community, transit is an important contributor. For each of the two North Dakota communities... Strategies often proposed to combat the growing traffic congestion problems of urban environments target enhancements to increase the use of bus transit. Therefore, service providers are keen to identify and understand factors that could attract more transit riders. Other than affordability, most researchers... The Federal Transit Administration and its partners have worked to build a transportation coordination infrastructure to improve community mobility. Recent efforts at coordinating human services transportation have focused on mobility management, emphasizing the needs of customers and using the assets... The objective of this project was to evaluate the technical, operational, and economic feasibility of using medium-range radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to track transit passengers. The stages of the Effortless Passenger Identification System (EPIS) project consisted of four main tasks... With ever-increasing traffic demand and price of fossil fuels public transit becomes more popular transportation mode than ever before, especially in the fast growing regions such as Salt Lake City Metropolitan Region. Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) (a local Metropolitan Planning Organization)...