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This report represents a continuation of analyses concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grain from North Dakota. The collection and compilation of this type of data began in 1956-57. The objective of this report, like its predecessors, is to provide the necessary database for identifying...

The objective of the Grain Transportation Forum was to measure the future challenge to America's grain handling and transportation system and to bring together at a particular place and time innovators in the grain handling and transportation industry to explain how this challenge will be met and the...

The major emphasis in this report is to illustrate the distribution methods and patterns of grain from North Dakota origins. In addition, to demonstrate the seasonality of grain shipments from North Dakota, trends in shipments by month are identified. The patterns of distribution and monthly shipments...

The major emphasis in this report is to illustrate the distribution methods and patterns of grain from North Dakota origins. In addition, to demonstrate the seasonality of grain shipments from North Dakota, trends in shipments by month are identified. The patterns of distribution and monthly shipments...

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