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5 report(s) found with snow in the keywords field
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This project presents a comprehensive study on enhancing snowplowing routes in 12 regions in northern Utah. The research employs both exact and approximate methods to identify snowplowing routes that lead to reductions in total travel time, turnaround time, and deadhead miles by an average of 4.87%...

Snowplow trucks serve a crucial role in winter maintenance activities by removing, loading, and disposing of snow. An effective performance monitoring and analysis process can assist transportation agencies in effectively managing the snowplow trucks and maintaining normal functioning of roadways. Previous...

Aqueous waste streams produced from commercial, industrial, and municipal processes may be potentially reused for transportation applications. The objectives of this project were to identify potential transportation-related applications for aqueous waste streams available in South Dakota, develop guidance...

This research project, "Evaluating and Improving Pedestrian Safety in Utah," was initiated in December 2000. Two interim reports have been prepared thus far, including Facilitation of Pedestrian Crossings in 28 States and Literature Review of Pedestrian Safety Measures (Cottrell 2001) and Literature...

This research document represents the analysis and recommendations of the University of Utah Traffic Laboratory (UTL) on the following Road Weather Information System (RWIS) topics: (1) public dissemination of RWIS station information and (2) the area of influence of available RWIS equipment.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050