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3 report(s) found with ramps (interchanges) in the keywords field
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Understanding ramp queue length and queuing time is important for transportation agencies to manage and operate the ramps with optimum performance. Since these data are collected with conventional sensor systems such as coils, they are prone to error, especially during traffic congestion. The increased...

Federal and state transportation agencies set goals related to surface transportation system performance. The variability in factors influencing design criteria (e.g., driver performance, road conditions, and vehicle performance) is often large and is addressed implicitly by using "conservative" values....

Traffic control alternatives associated with reconstruction projects on a rural interstate have been investigated in this research. Slab replacement projects, milling/resurfacing projects, and traffic controls in the vicinity of interstate ramps were analyzed. The recommendations obtained from a national...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050