Research Reports Filter by Keyword72 report(s) found with railroad transportation in the keywords field The analysis describes world trade in containers by country, through time, by importers and exporters, and by port areas. In addition, it includes an analysis of containerization of cargo. Specifically, we used the data to analyze the extent that cargos that traditionally were shipped in bulk, have become... The focus of this study is on the potential role of transportation infrastructure in expanding sales of goods outside the state. Much of the freight exported from North Dakota moves by rail. Therefore, both highway and railroad system are analyzed. To the extent possible, the benefits and costs associated... Railroad and grain elevator rationalization have changed farm-to-market transportation in the western United States. Railroad route miles have declined from approximately 230,00 in 1929 to 171,000 today. Over the same period, average railroad traffic density (as measured in revenue ton-miles per mile... Secondary rail market prices for guaranteed grain service provide insight regarding U.S. rail service available to grain shippers. This analysis investigates alternative market information that may enhance indicators offered to gauge current and expected rail grain service levels. Regression analysis... Railroads are an important transport provider in the U.S. grain market. The purpose of this research is to gain insight into shipper rail grain marketing practices and decisions. A survey of rail grain facilities is used to collect primary information about facility characteristics, marketing practices... Hearing to present findings regarding the analysis of railroad revenues and costs. The revenue-cost study was restricted to wheat movement originating in North Dakota by the BNSF railroad. Because of the differentiated car program types, it is essential to understand the costs and benefits of each of them. Depending on your situation, a combination of different programs may have the best return for each organization. By providing descriptions of programs, decision makers are able to better... This analysis is largely based on received theory of firm behavior. How will an individual transportation firm react to changes in the logistical system if the four dams are breached? The collective action of like firms will result in changes in the industry, which will reveal much about the potential... On April 29, 1998, the Surface Transportation Board (STB) opened a proceeding to consider elimination of the consideration of geographic and product competition from its market dominance guidelines for rail rates. This publication includes the Verified Statement of John Bitzan and Denver Tolliver in... This report is a summary of the impressions, as well as the recommendations, drawn by Gene Griffin, director of the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, NDSU; and Dennis McLeod, president, Red River Valley & Western Railroad. These impressions and recommendations are based on an eight-day site...